
Sensoren für die Prozesse in der Lebensmittelindustrie stellen sehr hohe Anforderungen an die Hygiene. ACS-Sensoren sind hierfür bestens geeignet, für die Verarbeitung von Rohstoffen wie Zucker oder Stärke und für die Herstellung von Getränken, Molkerei- oder Schokoladenprodukte.

Food is a substance that is absorbed by the human body. As a generic term, food includes both drinking water and food. Drinking water consists of water and minerals dissolved in it.
In contrast to drinking water, food consists mainly of macronutrients – these are carbohydrates, fats and proteins – and therefore provides humans with bound energy. Furthermore, micronutrients and trace elements are additional components of food. Food, if required after further preparation, is ingested by humans for nutritional purposes or orally.